Hive Inspections

Corona property hives were quickly inspected. External entrance activity between the two hives is greatly different. Both hives show activity and are viable with queens. Hive (28-29) over wintered with 2 deep 8 frame brood boxes. Colony (25) overwintered with only 1 deep, 8 frame box.

Colony (28-29) is packed full of bees in both boxes. The Queen is laying across at least 3 deep frames. Signs of drone brood are present but no drones were seen. This hive does not show any signs of remaining nectar or honey resources. Supplemental carbohydrate was given immediately. Also pollen supplements were added.

We will consider splitting this colony well in advance of drones and spring nectar flow. Our concern is that this colony, when it chooses to split during the normal spring season, will swarm without much warning.

In comparison, Hive (25) contains only about 5 frames of bees and queen laying is far less. The hive is still viable and should launch into spring very well. However the difference is quite startling between the two hives. Hive still also contains at least 3 frames of resources on the outer boundaries of the active cluster. This hive does not need any supplemental carbohydrates. I would supplement with pollen.