Corona street hives were inspected. Hive (001) is very much queen right and full of eggs and capped brood. This hive will need to be moved in the near future. This hive was captured from Officer Ed’s hive body and the virgin queen was mated at Corona street.
Hive (030) had one emerged queen. This virgin queen was taken to GG and placed in the orange hive body. The other two queen cells in this hive are still fenced. We will check the next day for emerged queens.
The large mother colony was inspected. Numbers look good but not as prominent as I was expecting. The queen is laying on both boxes, primarily in the top box. The queen was found and looks perfect. One last small split was performed with 2 frames (027). These frames were both very light in brood and resources. This will be the last slip on this colony. I will take one of the emerged virgin queens from (030) and place in this queen less hive.