Corona property hives were opened and inspected. Hive (028 – 029) continues to be a huge producer and still showing no signs of swarming. We do need to perform a more through inspection of the lower box to make sure no swarm cells are being built. A split was made with 3 frames of resources and brood, split (003). The honey super was added to give the bees something to do as nectar is now coming into the hive at a good rate and I would like to keep the brood cells open.
Note: one frame of about half eggs were moved over to GG roof into the Orange hive. We will check this hive to see if they are making queen cells (I could not find the queen in Orange Hive and was tired of looking).
Split (001) was opened and inspected. No eggs were sen yet however the queen looks good and should be laying any day now.