Hive Inspection

All campus hives were inspected. All campus hives were queenright with good resources and entrance activity.

Carniolan19 has decent numbers but is behind the normal expected population curve for an Italian queened hive. Not concerned yet.

Both of the ApisCA19A and ApisCA19B are doing just fine. Three frames in the honey supers are being filled out.

One frame of brood and nurse bees was taken from the Wild17 swarm colony and moved to the recent Bee Bearding split which was taken on Thursday. Inspection of the Woody’s pond hive showed excellent numbers and the bees are moving into the super with huge numbers. However the wax foundation frame repairs which were performed did not work. The bees are still rejecting two of the frames.

All feeders were removed from the hive brood chambers and backfilled with undrawn wax frames.

Officer Ed’s colony while still small seems to be increasing in numbers. The hive was only partially opened due to time constraints. A quick peek inside showed more bees than we started with. The colony is still operating out of only one small frame brood chamber.