Conlony Splits

Some rearranging of existing starter colonies and colony splits was performed. The Queen starter colonies were moved around and reconfigured. From Left to Right…The largest of the queen starter colonies was moved into a 3 frame deep box. The queen was caged and the bees moved. 1 resource frame and 1 brood frame was used to start the colony. Another colony was started with a split. The split was started with 1 resource frame and 1 brood frame from the S family foster bee hive. The colony was started in the 3 frame deep box. This colony was given a new caged queen from one of the other queen starter colonies. This queen starter colony was left queenless and should begin a new queen again.

The queen colony that was moved into the Left most 3 frame deep could not take the smaller Warre frames with the transition. Those Warre frames were combined into this larger queen starter colony by moving the interior partitions. This box now contains just one colony. The queen residing in this box is my most aggressive queen from the Wild17 genetics.

This colony is severely overcrowded and needed a new box. A new box was quickly created. Also 2 frames were removed to start the 3 frame deep boxes.

All remaining frames that could not be transferred into the larger Warre Queen starter box were left out and feed back to the bees. Note: even if there are no other options, DO NOT use the top bar frames.